Experiences with Numerics on OpenBSD - 5 - MPI Networking

Experiences with Numerics on OpenBSD - 5 - MPI Networking

Running some long-running programs with OpenMPI means at least

where “system” means the sum of the computers, wires, network switches, and anything that might affect perfomance. Like absence of cosmic rays.

CPU stability might mean that the clock speed stays high or that auto-tuning of CPU performance is switched off. A sysctl called hw.perfpolicy controls auto-tuning and hw.setperf=100 requests full speed.

Concurrent network throughput accounts for a LAN switch that may not be fully wire-speed, so that one node-to-node throughput might be slower than throughput between another pair of nodes.

Documentation for these items might be reassuring. However, there is no substitute for testing, and especially testing an artificial benchmark with known and defined results will help develop or maintain confidence in the system.

Node to Node speed

OpenBSD includes the tcpbench utility with useful options like reporting intervals, test durations, and separation of duties into client and server.

First, start servers on each node:

mpirun -np $listn -H $listH tcpbench -s

Second, for each client, run against all four servers:

list="dell1 dell2 dell3 dell4"
for h in $list ; do
    for a in $list ; do
        echo T11SERVER $h $a
        mpirun -np 1 -H $h:1 tcpbench -t 7 $a

The result is quite lengthy, but the gist of it is: node-to-node is 936Mb/s and node-to-same-node is 1050Mb/s. YMMV.

Another observation in the output: the first node-to-node measure is around 500 to 700 Mb/s, followed by the rest at the full speed.

Finally, the speeds are symmetric: node A to node B is the same speed as node B to node A.

Node to node stability

Well, 7 seconds isn’t long. Let’s run for hours:

mpirun -np 1 -H $h:1 tcpbench -t 1000 -r 100 $a

That amounts to 16 node-to-node tests at 1000s each, or three+ hours.

The -r 100 was a mistake; it was intended to be 100s not 0.1s (always read the docs carefully!) Reviewing the results showed throughputs of

elapsed_ms    mbps
  100        323.078
  200        322.614
  300        322.035
  400        322.846
  500        609.666
  600        723.189
  701        712.068
  801        720.525
  901        721.220
 1001        877.025
 1101        937.030
 1201        937.261
 and so on

This was unexpected.

The same pattern was observed in all 12 node-to-other-node tests.

If you are familiar with the internals of TCP, you will recognize a TCP “slow-start” algorithm in play. To avoid congestion, TCP starts slowly and learns (with a simple feedback arrangement) to increase the throughput by adjusting the number of permitted packets in flight.

But we know better! There is no congestion in a LAN with a wire-speed switch in this experiment.

Back to the purpose of the test: after 1000 or 1100ms, the throughput on all node-to-other-node measures stayed constant at high 936Mb/s or slightly higher.

Playing with sysctl

Well of course I know better, but let’s experiment a bit anyways. Some possibilities:

As it turns out, smaller (or just different) buffer sizes with rfc3390 set to 1 or 0 had no effect. There was a lot of variability from test to test. These were not repeatable: the same buffer size resulted in different intervals to the maximum throughput. Sometimes 700ms and often 1100ms or 1200ms.

Changing the -B option in a range from 5k to 512k resulted in widely varying results that were not repeatable. Sometimes the throughput reached the maximum within 600ms, sometimes within 1500ms. The method was

for a in `jot - 5 32` `jot - 40 128 8` `jot - 160 512 32` ; do
   echo -n buffer is $a kB
   tcpbench -t 2 -r 100 -B $(( $a * 1024 )) dell2 |
      awk '1*$3 > 937 && NF==4'  | head -1

See the histogram. Adjusting buffer sizes had no effect; the histograms all look the same.

Histogram of time to full speed

There is nothing to be adjusted for NIC tuning; setting MTU up to 9200 bytes is not possible on my LAN as I have machines stuck at 1500 bytes on the same subnet.


The TCP slow-start seems to be socket-specific; there is no internal memory or history of what suitable internal TCP timers and buffers are good for node-to-node communications.

The other conclusion I draw: don’t reopen sockets; reuse the same ones over and over. Fortunately this is what OpenMPI does.

February 2020


Actual Benchmark
Code plus standardized inputs that produces results equivalent to usable results. Results are compared for correctness and elapsed time for stability measurements (same system, different days) or performance comparisons (different systems, same day).
Artificial Benchmark
Code that produces results for entertainment purposes.
Network interface card.
Transmission Control Protocol, a reliable stream of bytes is delivered in spite of packet losses, delays or corruption. The tradeoffs for such reliability is the topic of this note.
Your mileage may vary, a standard caveat for benchmark results.


RFC 3390 Increasing TCP’s Initial Window
RFC 5681 TCP Congestion Control

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OpenBSD Numerics